Unlocking the Future by Honoring the Past: A Transformational Encounter at the Airport

Nicole Magnusson
3 min readJun 27, 2024

A couple of days ago in the airport, I had a mind-blowing experience.

A young man sat next to me as I was watching a video about the benefits of breathwork.

He sat very close, annoyingly close. There were tons of other seats in the airport… hadn’t this guy heard of personal space?

A few minutes passed, and he tapped me on the shoulder, “sorry to interrupt, but I couldn’t help but notice the video you were watching. Are you into breathwork?”

His warm demeanor quickly melted my standoffishness and we quickly got into a conversation about healing and spiritual development.

After a while of talking, he confessed that he heard a guardian angel tell him to come sit near me and asked if I was open to an energy reading.

The next 30 minutes were a blur of channeled messages, tears, and watching this man in awe as he received messages on the other side for me.

He communicated many things to me, but the message that stuck with me the most was the importance of honoring my ancestors. He said that honoring the women on my mother’s side of the family and connecting with them was critical for my healing. He recommended burying a necklace belonging to my…

