The Power of Small Wins

We all have big dreams and we get there through a series of small wins.

Nicole Magnusson
2 min readFeb 9, 2024

We can be hard on ourselves when making changes.

Why have I not started my new business?

Why am I not a fitness influencer after a week on this diet?

How have I not met my husband after going on 2 dates?

When we are excited and working towards something new, it feels like it doesn’t make sense when the hours we put in do not immediately translate to results.

That voice in our head loves to chime in, “Why bother”.

And THAT is the moment we need to turn into a lawyer and combat that voice with HARD EVIDENCE!
I received positive feedback from a potential customer on Wednesday!

I’ve done yoga 4 days in a row!

Yesterday, I had a new positive thought I have never had before!

Take THAT Debbie Downer voice!

These small wins don’t seem like a big deal at the time. You don’t announce them to your friends, family, or your social media following. They are just for you. ❤

David Goggins, best-selling author, navy seal, and “the hardest man alive”, has a…

